SPA Library

SPA Library

“Knowledge is Supreme Power, Library is a Gateway to Global Knowledge”

Welcome to Library and Information Centre (LIC) of School of Planning & Architecture (SPA). LIC is a Knowledge hub containing rich and comprehensive high-quality information resources on architectural design, building construction, structural engineering, landscape architecture, interior design and decoration, decorative arts, urban planning & design and regional planning, construction management, economics, law, environment, rural development and other allied areas. LIC provides access to wide range of comprehensive and suitable information resources and services to support the teaching and research needs of students and faculty of SPA. The pleasant ambience and well-furnished space LIC creates conducive learning environment inspiring students to excel in their education and research. LIC with its modern state-of-the-art facilities serves as an innovative partner in supporting the teaching, learning and research activities contributing significantly to the Institute’s mission of academic excellence.


To become a premier Learning Resource Centre with state-of-the-art library resources and services in the Architecture, Planning and related areas.


The mission of the SPA Library and Information Centre is to provide access to high-quality information resources in all forms to the faculty, students and staff in support of teaching, learning, scholarship and research mission of the Institute. With a commitment to excellence in services, LIC offers information resources and innovative services to support the intellectual inquiry, research and learning needs of SPA user community.


  • To establish and maintain an effective relationship with the students, faculty, and researchers of the Institute to ensure an integrated approach to the creation and delivery of information services.
  • To select, collect, create, organize, preserve, manage and provide access to information sources in print, non-print and digital forms, regardless of physical location, to support scholarly pursuit, learning, teaching and research in the Institute.
  • To facilitate and promote access to the fast-growing and expanding collection of digital information sources.
  • To develop and provide quality collections, user facilities/services and conducive learning environment for study and research.
  • To create and deliver a range of networked information and document delivery services that encourage the study, scholarship and collaborative learning.
  • To manage the information resources effectively and actively promote the optimum usage.
  • To collaborate with other libraries, networks and consortia to optimize the access to knowledge resources.

Library Automation:

Library used VTLS Virtual Software package for library automation in 2006 and changed to “NewGenLib” Open Source Library Management Software in 2015. The library has automated all the house-keeping operations and developed library database. The library database consists of all the books, back volumes of periodicals, CDs/DVDs, current journals and theses/dissertations. The database is accessible to all users within the library and also in the campus network. Computers are placed in different locations of the LIC to use OPAC and Internet to access library resources for academic purposes.

Library Collection

  • Books
  • Reference Books
  • Current Journals
  • Back Volumes of Periodicals
  • Theses
  • Reading Materials
  • Maps
  • Newspapers


Library has 1522 e-resources such as CD-ROMs, DVDs, Video cassettes etc on various topics are available for use by the students and faculty. Computer systems with multimedia facility and Internet connectivity are provided to access these digital resources. Facility for individual and group viewing of educational videos/DVDs are being made available in LIC. The details of these resources can be searched using the computer catalogue.

  • E-Journals
  • E-books
  • CD’s/DVD’s
  • Videos
  • Free Internet Resources

Library & Information Services

  • OPAC Service
  • Circulation of Books
  • Reference Service
  • Current Awareness Service
  • Inter-Library Loan Service
  • Internet Service
  • Scanning Service
  • Photocopy Service
  • Videos/CDs/DVDs Service
  • User Orientation
  • Bibliography Service
  • Book Bank Service
  • Press Clipping Service

Library Rules

  • Library Membership
  • Library Membership Extended to Outsiders
  • Borrower Privileges
  • Circulation Procedures
  • Overnight Issue
  • Overdue Charges
  • Renewal of Books
  • Reservation of Books
  • Loss of Books
  • General Rules
  • No Dues Certificate (Refer SPA Library Rules Document Below)

Working Hours:     

Monday – Friday: 9.00 A.M. TO 8.00 P.M.

Saturdays: 10.00 A.M. TO 5.00 P.M.

Note: The Library is closed on Second Saturday, Sundays & Closed Holidays.

Closing Time

Users are requested to observe the warning bells and facilitate the closing of the library without any problem.

  • The first warning bell/ buzzer will be given 15 minutes in advance.
  • All transactions with members at the Circulation counter will close 10 minutes before closing hours.
  • A second warning bell/buzzer will be given 5 minutes before closing time.

CCTV Surveillance

To ensure proper security and surveillance of all potential locations of the Library, we have installed 32 CCTV cameras at different locations in the Library. The Digital Video Recorder continuously provides real-time outputs of all 32 cameras for viewing at the ‘Console Room’, and also at specific terminals located at Security Checkpoint and other sections in the Library. The DVR recorders will store the real-time outputs of all 32 cameras in its memory. CCTV Installation at the Library has immensely facilitated the effective surveillance of all important locations of the Library.


Please let us know how we’re providing library service through This is your library, how can we serve you better? We’d like your input to help make the library a better resource by shaping the collections, resources, services, and any other areas of the library to better fit your needs.


Enquiries and comments about the service are appreciated as the Library is keen to improve its services. Send us your comments on services and suggestions for improvements to Library and Information Centre. Every member is requested to offer suggestions at the Circulation desk or send mail to in order to improve library facilities, resources and services to the users.


Library Gallery