Lecture on the “India: The Mother of Democracy”
- Nov 28, 2022

On the occasion of Indian Constitution Day which is celebrated every year on 26th November, a lecture was organized on the theme “India: The Mother of Democracy”.
Distinguished Academician Prof. Ghanta Chakrapani delivered a talk on Constitution of India and Democracy in JNAFAU Auditorium in the campus.
Prof. Ghanta Chakrapani is a Professor of Sociology, Dean of Social Sciences and Director Academics at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University Hyderabad. He spoke about preparation of Indian Constitution by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar discussed about its salient features emphasizing on importance of equality of citizens in the country.
The meeting was attended by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, The Registrar, Directors of the University, Principals, faculty members and many students.