Ch. Srinivas
Staff Designation:
Associate Professor & HOD (Section A & B)
27 years of teaching
Architect and Urban Planner
Research Interests:
Energy Efficient Buildings, Daylighting, Psychological and Sociological concerns of Architecture, Indian temples, Contemporary Architecture.
Prof. Ch Srinivas , Head, Department of Architecture is a passionate teacher, Architect and Urban Planner having 27 years of teaching experience. He is interested in pedagogy of Architectural Design and Theory of Architecture. Climate Responsive Buildings, Energy Efficiency and Daylighting are some of the value additions in his approach to design teaching. The values that he preaches are Psychological and Sociological concerns of Architecture. He is keenly interested in research in Contemporary Architecture and Indian Temples.
Articles, Research Papers, Books Published
- The Genesis and Intentions of Contemporary Architecture, ABACUS A international refereed Journal ISSN: 0973-8339, Volume 6 No1 Spring 2011
- Cost Effective Technologies in Housing : Case Study Of Laurie Baker Works, National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad. 2006.
- Assessment Of Environmental Condition in The Core Area Of Pilgrim Town : Tirupathi, Integral Approaches to Sustainable cities, SPA , JNTU Hyderabad, 2005
- Meaning Of The Architectural Composition Of Indian Temples, Temple Architecture, EMD, SPA, JNTU Hyderabad, 2005.
- Child Safety In Built Environment, Symposium on Child Safety, Institute Of Health Systems, 2003.
- Designing Illumination for Elderly : Some Issues, National Seminar on Designing for the disabled and elderly persons, Hyderabad,2000.
- Designing for Daylight : Some Thumb rules , Seminar On Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Hyderabad, 2000.
- Fostering Creativity, Faculty Development program, Hyderabad, 1999.
- Importance of Day Light in Energy Conservation, Solar Passive Architecture, Hyderabad, 1998.
- Importance of Day Light in Built Environment, National Seminar on Land Use in Urban & Regional Planning, Hyderabad, 1997.
- Psychology of Learning, Induction Training Program, Hyderabad, 1996
- GIS Training Program on Introduction to ArcGISI conducted by ESRI India from 28/01/2008 to 31/01/2008
- Training programme for Evaluators & Trainers of GRIHA: Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment conducted bt Ministry of New and Renewable Energy , Government of India, TERI, & GRIHA from 19th to 21st April 2011
- Advanced Training Programme on Green Building Rating Systems on 20-21st June 2013
- Institutional Training programme on Energy Conservation conducted by Petroleum Conservation Research Association (Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas) Government of India, Petroleum Conservation Research Association on 16th September 2015
- Workshop on Industry- Academia Collaboration conducted by CII, IGBC, University of Salford on 26th June 2009
- Train the Trainer Workshop on Building Physics and Energy Simulation conducted by International Resources Group & Birla Institute of Technology at BIT Mesra, Ranchi from July 11 to 14, 2011.
- Daylight in Buildings and E Studio
- Urban Planner, Project Team for Eco City Development Plan for the Core Area of Tirupathi Town 2006
- Member Planning Team for the Preparation of Development Plan for Venkatarayapuram Industrial Area Township.