Smt. Lalita Devi
Staff Designation:
Coordinator i/c & Assistant Professor
25 Yers
I, (Lalita Devi) was born and brought up in Andamans. I have done my basic study from Port Blair and later joined the SPA JNAFAU college. I was the first girl who had come out to study architecture from a union territory like Andaman and Nicobar Island. I am a very sincere and hardworking person. I always try to give my 100% to whatever I know. I can say that I believe in humanity and always ready to give my supporting hand to the needy. I admire Mother Terresa.
I am working in this college since 6 years. Before this, I have worked as an Architectural assistant and later as Assistant Architect in Andaman Public Department. I have also worked in many prestigious architecture firms in Hyderabad as studio 1 with architect Yashwant Ramnamurthy and SMR holding with Ram Reddy. I am into the architecture Profession since past 25 years
I believe that learning is an outgoing process and I have put my heart and soul into it.
Consultancy Undertaken:
Freelancing Projects