Research policy
1.0 Purpose of Research Policy
The purpose of the Research Policy is to promote research culture and upgrade the research environment for both, faculty and students in the fields of Architecture, Fine Arts, Design, Technology and allied disciplines and establish guidelines for Academic Research, Innovation and other R&D activities in the University, strengthen the university in the identified thrust areas.
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Research Policy statement:
JNAFAU is a specialized University offering courses in Architecture, Fine Arts, Design, Technology and allied disciplines and is committed to foster an environment conducive to research and to support conduct of scholarly enquiry that benefits society. To achieve this aim, JNAFA University aspires to support research standards by developing and inculcating research among its staff and students. The Research Policy of the University would promote quality research to be undertaken within the applicable norms and standards of relevant bodies such as AICTE, UGC, CSIR, TSCHE, COA, etc. and follow an ethical code of conduct of research.
2.2 Applicability of the policy:
The Research Policy Guidelines will be applicable to all JNAFAU regular and contract faculty and students involved in any form of research activity. This policy is also applicable to any external research scholar approaching or working with the University.
2.3 Rationale:
JNAFAU believes in an exceptional combination of research and teaching which may translate into robust classroom pedagogy and curricula design. The University also envisages to pave way for inter-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary research for deeper understanding of the subject and contribute new knowledge and technological advances resulting from such inquiry to theory and practice. The University looks forward to collaborate with government, industry and other organizations to conduct research on topics that address societal needs and concerns and align with National Mission/priorities. The Research Policy would strengthen the research capacity of the faculty and students to carry out research that is novel, relevant, transparent and ethical.
2.4 Research Promotion Policy Objectives:
The objectives of the policy are as follows:
- To strengthen the institutional competence for planning and scheduling research activities.
- To promote research, innovation and thrust areas of intellectual strength and expertise.
- To conduct inter-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary and Trans – disciplinary research and integrate the outcome into curricula and pedagogy.
- To uphold integrity, quality and ethics in research.
- To promote and monitor doctoral research.
- To frame guidelines for research in identified thrust areas and secure external funding from various agencies.
- To incentivise the generation of intellectual capital.
- To collaborate with other organizations such as NIRD etc.
2.5 Directorate of Research and Development:
To strengthen academics, promote and develop research activities at the University, Directorate for Research and Development or R & D Cell is established. It is headed by the Director and has two Research Associates currently working. The Directorate apart from monitoring day-to-day research activities and doctoral research work offered at the University, it encourages and coordinates Innovation center activities and startups.
The Directorate is responsible to identify thrust areas, generate ideas to conduct research in different areas, implement the ideas, meet the requirement of funding, monitor the activities and assess the research outcomes periodically. The Directorate shall have the functions to disseminate the findings of research and help the Constituent Colleges to incorporate the new knowledge generated into syllabi.
The activities of the Research and Development cell are planned and monitored by the Research and Development Committee constituted by the University. The following are some of the functions of the Research and Development Committee:
- To prepare guidelines for Doctoral Research work and monitor the progress made by the research scholars periodically.
- To evolve policy frame work that regulate the research work undertaken by the faculty.
- To review and select the research proposals submitted by the faculty and recommend to the University, the grant /support that may be sanctioned.
- To recommend the faculty development programmes in the potential areas for research and augment research capabilities of faculty and scholars.
- To recommend long term and short-term research strategies in the identified thrust areas for approval and implementation to the University.
The R & D cell shall work under the overall direction of the Planning and Monitoring Board, Academic Senate and Executive Council. The Planning and Monitoring Board shall review and periodically monitor the research development and the Academic Senate shall recommend to Executive Council to execute research collaboration between industries and University/Colleges. Every doctoral research work shall be approved by the Academic Senate for the award of degree.
3.0 University Research Promotion and Funding
3.1 University funded Research Projects:
JNAFA University, with an objective to strengthen research culture among faculty members and students is pro-actively encouraging young teachers and students to undertake research in relevant/ thrust areas of built environment, design and visual arts. The University shall provide financial assistance from its internal resources to conduct research. The minor research projects shall be planned for a time frame of six months to one year and the University shall call for proposals twice in a year. Two schemes are initiated, one for contract faculty and the other for students.
3.1.1 Scheme to incentivise Contract Faculty to conduct research:
The Minor Research Project Scheme provides faculty an opportunity to conduct research in areas of their interest that benefit teaching and content development. It also assists them in preparing proposals for major research projects. The proposals obtained from the faculty of various departments are reviewed by the Research and Development Committee and projects that have research potential are selected (usually one project per department) in each cycle and financial assistance is provided as decided by the University.
The University shall provide funding on its own to certain important Major Research Projects where funding from the outside agency is not possible. It shall earmark appropriate budget for this purpose. R & D Cell shall identify external sources to raise funding wherever possible.
Guidelines are prepared for selection of research projects on clearly defined outcomes. The guidelines cover all aspects such as criteria for selection of projects, allotment of funds, review of research work and procedure to conduct and complete the research project etc.
3.1.2 Scheme to incentivise Students to conduct research:
The University with an objective to inculcate research culture among students has initiated a Minor Research Project Scheme.. This scheme allows the student to conduct research under the mentorship of a faculty. The Minor Research Project Scheme provides students an opportunity to explore their topics of interest and in the process learn to prepare a research proposal, conduct research and write a research report. It also assists them in preparing research proposals for pursuing higher studies. Further, it would enrich intellectual development of the student. The proposals obtained from students of various departments are reviewed by the Research and Development Committee and projects that have research potential are selected (usually one project per department) in each cycle and financial assistance is provided as decided by the University
3.2 Sponsored Research Projects:
The University shall encourage faculty to apply for Major Research Projects to UGC/AICTE and other funding agencies. Major Research Project proposals submitted by the faculty shall be scrutinized before submitting the same to any funding agency. The University in collaboration with Constituent Colleges or industry shall support the required infrastructure facilities for conducting such research. The University shall monitor the progress of Major Research Projects funded by any external agency and maintain its accounts. It shall also ensure that the project is completed on time and its report and utilization certificate are submitted in time to the funding agency.
4.0 Academics and Research
4.1 Identification of thrust areas:
The University shall identify the thrust areas of research in consultation with the respective authorities and departments. Thrust areas of research need to be documented systematically along with details of facilities, availability of funding/ scholarship/ incentives/ fellowships and infrastructure available for undertaking research in these areas. As such this shall be a department wise / subject wise, document or list placed under circulation for information and reference to teachers and students. This list shall offer ideas and title of proposed project or research work to be undertaken and as far as possible be related to curricula. This document shall also cover the information of industry-based projects, projects to be undertaken under MoUs and details regarding inter-disciplinary multi disciplinary and trans-disciplinary projects, etc.
4.2 Research at UG and PG levels:
The curriculum of various Under Graduate programs offered in the University have Pre-thesis seminar in the pre final year and Project/Design Thesis as course work in the final year. All the Post Graduate programs have Thesis/ Project work in final semester. The students under the guidance of the faculty, work on the decided topic of dissertation and submit the progress periodically. The final project work/Design thesis is submitted to the institution and a viva is conducted. The Under Graduates shall be given an orientation to research and work independently on a project of subject chosen. Similarly, in the Post Graduate program, research shall be emphasized categorically and students trained for robust research and analytical skills. The end outcome of the Post Graduate students is expected to be of standard that could be published in journals or presented in conferences. In order to attain efficient research and endorse the academic integrity at the graduation level, the University/Constituent Colleges shall conduct plagiarism check for research work carried out before submitting the work for examination.
4.3 Ph.D. Programme:
The University offers Doctoral Research Program in the disciplines of Architecture, Design, Planning and Visual Arts. The scholars are encouraged to take up research which is inter/ multi-disciplinary. The University has adopted UGC Minimum Standards and Procedures for Award of M.Phil./Ph.D. Degrees as recommended by TSCHE for Admissions into Ph.D. programs. The University shall encourage research scholars to get financial assistance for attending National and International conferences from external agencies so that the quality in research paper can be maintained. It shall urge research scholars to publish and patent their research work. The Academic Regulations and guidelines for Doctoral Research Program i.e., admissions, syllabus for course work, monitoring and evaluation of the Ph.D. work are prepared separately and revised periodically.
The admissions into Doctoral research program are made as per the admission procedures prescribed in the Academic Regulations. The Research and Development Committee chaired by the Vice Chancellor shall approve the topic of proposed research and allot guide as per norms. The Research and Development Cell monitors the doctoral work, conducts Doctoral Research Committee meetings, Compulsory Seminar and anti-plagiarism check before submission of the thesis report to the Director of Evaluation for final examination. Once the degree is awarded, the thesis will be submitted to the Information & Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET) of UGC & be uploaded into the Shodh Ganga website as a mandatory procedure.
The disciplines in which doctoral programs will be offered shall be updated in the University website as per the availability of supervisors and expertise across various disciplines.
5.0 Collaborative Research
University plans to take proactive role in engagement of industry, government, practitioners and other stakeholders in collaborative research work. The outcome of such collaborations should enhance the existing body of literature on the subject and is expected to find solutions to various problems identified by the stakeholders and offer practical benefits that contribute to the society at large. Further the academic programs of the University should be strengthened by such active interaction with various organizations.
With this objective, the University has planned to have the following collaborations:
5.1 University and Industry – Research Collaboration:
The knowledge of faculty in Built Environment and Visual Arts help to complement basic and applied research. The University would initiate University-Industry research collaborations to help faculty have an exposure to industry needs and have an opportunity to work on challenging problems. The industry-academia collaboration would contribute in creation of new knowledge, technology development and more so develop skills/preparedness in students to work for industry. The outcome of such collaboration would also help in product innovation, solving design and technical problems, commercialization of the products that benefit society.
The University shall enter into an agreement with Industry for research collaboration and funding by the industry. Their equipment should be shared with the University faculty/scholars to conduct research on the project. In case of any breakthrough discoveries or patents generated from such research collaboration, the credit and monetary aspects may be shared as per the agreement entered with the industry. The IPR, Patent and Copy Rights prepared by the University in mutual agreement with the industry shall prevail.
5.2 University and Visual Arts Organizations/Museums/Galleries /Research Collaboration or Partnership.
Shared interest and priorities among the University research group and various organizations that promote Visual Arts shall provide insight into the wider participation and learning relationship with art professionals / curators, exchange of knowledge, collaborative research, innovative practices and entrepreneurship opportunities.
The collaborative working between the University and the organizations shall be engaged with long term relationships that may integrate the extensive range of work and proposals that can be adapted to art theory and practice. The aspects of working jointly may include the benefits of art practice to both the parties majorly involving mutual Exchange of knowledge generated and Collaborative experience
5.3 Collaborations with organisations to support national, regional and industry-specific research and development policies and strategies:
The University shall identify and develop research strengths that complement National Research Mission/priorities. It shall enhance social responsiveness of research conducted at the University. This would help to identify and develop opportunities for relevant applied research and knowledge production. The University shall enter into an agreement with organizations working on national, regional and local level development policies/ strategies to conduct research on areas of mutual interest which are of large scale.
6.0 Innovation Centre:
The University with the encouragement of State Government initiated an Incubation Centre in 2017. An advisory committee with eminent and experienced members to guide its activities is constituted. Most of the disciplines in the University are practice oriented and it is proposed to strengthen research in these fields. The innovation center facilitates faculty and students to take up research which is useful to society. The University shall identify thrust areas to address the environmental and social concerns, such as use of sustainable materials and techniques, accessories for better life styles for various socio – economic groups, promotion of affordable art, etc.
6.1 Idea Lab:
In line with AICTE Idea Lab Scheme, the University would work forward establishing an Idea Lab at the University, where the faculty and students are encouraged to discuss on various topics of research and generate ideas which have potential for innovation/research. The Research and Development Cell would coordinate with various stakeholders such as government, industry, research organizations etc., for a healthy discussion on various societal needs and ideas to further research and innovate. Such provision shall enable young researchers the ability to think, conceptualize an idea, research and submit the work for innovation/start-ups. It shall also encourage researchers to publish and patent their research work.
7.0 Research Consultancy Policy:
University Research Consultancy will be offered when an outside agency/organization gives a research project to the University on mutually agreed terms & scope. The Research Consultancy may be an outcome of a tender or individual negotiation. Research projects sanctioned directly by an organization shall be taken up under agreement to be signed between the University and the organization. The faculty with research skills or expertise in the area or concerned department will be assigned the project. The individual faculty /Department/College shall direct all consultancies to the University. Even if an organization approaches the experts directly, formal permission should be sought from the University to undertake the same. Any consultancy work taken up by the University may alternatively contribute to strengthening of infrastructure, support the costs involved and further research activities. In order to ensure uniform and maximum benefit for both the staff/student, all research contracts and consultancies shall be handled by the University Research and Development Cell. Separate research consultancy policy will be prepared by the University.
8.0 Research outcome and publication:
The University encourages faculty and students to publish their research outcome in quality journals. Faculty members are expected to publish every year at least one research paper in refereed journals identified by the University and journals that are peer reviewed or UGC-CARE listed Journals/Scopus indexed Journals. University funded/monitored research work shall be scrutinized by a committee of senior faculty before publishing in identified journals or present at national and international conferences. All the departments in the University are encouraged to organize conferences, to increase research activities in their domain and to contribute to the existing body of knowledge.
For the University funded /monitored research work, the researcher shall take prior approval of the University before publishing the research work. The researchers shall be responsible and be aware of the consequences of any publication in wider media.
Authorship provides credit for an individual’s contributions to research and carries accountability. It is important that researchers are aware of the authorship practices within their own disciplines and any guidelines set by the journals in which they wish to publish. The faculty and students should take into account the following aspects while publishing their research work.
- The name of University shall be included in publication/ research article/ presentations.
- The sponsor shall be notified in advance about the publishing schedule/time.
- Researchers shall make every effort to make sure that the University funded research work and the Ph.D. scholars research is peer reviewed by a committee constituted by the University before it gets published.
- All funding sources must be acknowledged in publication.
- The contributions of formal collaborators and all others who directly assist or indirectly support the research work shall be specified and properly acknowledged.
- Results of research shall be disseminated in an appropriate form.
- In case a group undertakes the research, the authorship rights are a matter to be resolved within the group by the Principal Investigator.
9.0 Conduct of Orientation Programmes/training/workshops in thrust areas of research:
Training is an important part for ensuring that the faculty, students and other researchers are equipped with research skills on identifying research problems, write research proposals for funding, adopt best practices to conduct research, etc. Therefore, the University shall organize rigorous orientation and training programmers for researchers in the identified areas. The departments of the Constituent Colleges also are encouraged to initiate research orientation programs and R&D Cell shall support to organize them. Some of the indicative courses that the University shall plan periodically are:
- Orientation Programmes in identified Thrust Areas of Research
- Research design methodology
- Regulatory ethics, approvals and consents
- Lab/Equipment/materials use
- Record keeping
- Data protection
- Management of intellectual property, including confidential information
- How to write a report/paper for publication
- Understanding and avoiding Plagiarism
10.0 Anti-Plagiarism Policy:
The research work carried out by the faculty, research scholars and post graduate students shall be verified through the anti-plagiarism software tools such as those referred by UGC or INFLIBINET. Currently, URKUND is being used. The plagiarism check for postgraduate and doctoral scholars work will be verified as per the stipulated Academic Regulations i.e., in line with the University Grants Commission Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in higher Educational Institutions Regulations 2018. It is the responsibility of all research students and the research guides to read and understand the UGC regulations on research misconduct and avoiding plagiarism.
Orientation and awareness on the importance of anti- plagiarism and operational aspect of the software would be given. Each department head shall be given the access to conduct anti-plagiarism check for UG and PG students apart from the library officials.
11.0 Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Generation:
The University would like to promote research that leads to filing of patents. Patent and IPR guidelines of the University shall be followed by the researcher to file for the patent. The University shall carry out a thorough scrutiny before the work is filed for patent.
The University shall create awareness about Intellectual Property Rights among faculty, researchers and scholars from time to time. The researcher shall follow the University policy on Intellectual Property Rights. Researchers shall be careful while discussing research work that is not complete or has not been published, particularly if it has not undergone peer review. The University shall encourage its researchers and assist them in filing and obtaining patents. The University shall make financial provisions for filing Indian patents. If the patent is commercialized the sharing of earning is to be done between researcher and the University as per the guidelines developed by the University.
12.0 Code of Research Ethics:
The University will formulate separate code of Research ethics which provide guidelines for responsible conduct of research and enable to monitor high ethical standards to be followed by the researcher. It provides guidance to ensure that the principles of integrity, accountability, professional commitment, confidentiality, social responsibility and non-discrimination are followed while conducting research.
13.0 Research Misconduct:
The University encourages free and fair research and bounds with actual or perceived misconduct such as fabrication, falsification, plagiarism in proposing, performing or reviewing research or in reporting of research results. Research misconduct does not include an honest error or differences of opinion, authorship disputes that do not involve plagiarism, and violations of other University policies. The University shall take seriously all allegations of misconduct. A proper inquiry shall be held on the basis of preliminary information gathered. It shall be ensured that the procedures for inquiry, investigation and adjudication of any misconduct will be followed in an unbiased and just manner for all parties involved. University committee will be constituted to conduct the enquiry on research misconduct.
14.0 Incentives for Outstanding Research:
The University would like to encourage quality research in different thrust areas. For this purpose, outstanding research contributions done by faculty, researcher, and research scholar shall be recognized. Therefore, the University shall prepare a scheme for providing incentive to researchers and scholars. R & D Cell members shall decide on the Research Award to given annually for the best research work in the form of incentives as mentioned below:
- Cash prize
- Award
- Certificate
15.0 Establishment of Research Chairs:
The University shall explore to create Research Chair and a scheme for appointment of Professor Emeritus for a particular term, where very senior professors/experts from industry or research organizations shall be appointed as Chair and they shall conduct research on the topic identified by the University and is of mutual interest. The research chair shall take some teaching load as per the University guidelines and integrate the research to teaching with approval of the University authorities.
16.0 Research Hub:
University with the collaboration of professional bodies/ industry/Art galleries/museums/public institutions plans to develop the facilities for conducting research where the professional body/industry will invest money and the University will facilitate to conduct research idea of mutual interest. In the Research Hub, the research can be conducted jointly by different institutions of the University. The Research Fund shall be maintained through a distinct account which manages the grants sponsored for the Research activities.
17.0 Review of the Policy:
The policy will be reviewed after a period of three years or earlier as per requirement. The University Research and Development cell shall call for suggestions and experiences gained from research projects undertaken by individuals/departments of constituent colleges. On the recommendations, made by the Research and Development Committee and approval of the Vice Chancellor necessary amendments to the research policy shall be made.
Appendix: 1
- Introduction and Objectives
JNAFAU strives to encourage and support young teachers to take up research in relevant areas of built environment and visual arts. This is being taken up with the intention of sensitizing teachers about their role in the University not only as teachers, but also as researchers who can contribute in the growth of knowledge and find appropriate, contextual solutions to issues in the fast-changing environment.
- Eligibility
Support would be provided to teachers working on contract basis with the University. Research may be undertaken by an individual, or jointly with another teacher. In case the Principal Investigator leaves the University for any reason, the project shall be handed over to any other teacher who is willing. And the remaining funds also should be handed over.
- Nature of Assistance
A financial support of up to Rs. 1 Lakh would be provided which can be utilized for equipment, books, research assistants, travel and field work. The Research project should be planned for a time period of 6 months to 1 year.
- Procedure for Applying & Selection
Teachers who wish to take up research under this Scheme should submit their proposal in the given Proforma. The Principal Investigators would be required to make a presentation to a committee constituted for this purpose. The Committee will make its recommendations for selection of 1 (one) project from each Department.
- Release of Grants
The grants will be released usually in three equal installments. The first installment would be released immediately after sanction of the project. The second and third installments would be released after review of the work progress and utilization of the funds previously released. Schedules for the reviews will be informed by the R & D section.
The PI would have to sign a Bond while accepting funds for the project for use of the amount as per the proposal.
- Completion of the Project
When the project work has been completed, the Principal Investigator must submit a copy of the Final Report and a detailed statement of expenses with a Utilization Certificate as per the format given by the R & D. The Utilization Certificate should be counter signed by the Principal of the College where the PI is working. Any unutilized grant should be returned at the time of submitting the final report, or if the work has not been taken up for any reason,
at the close of the project period. The bound copies of Final Reports would be placed in the library of the College.
Extensions of time would usually not be given, except where there are valid reasons and would be at the discretion of the Research Committee.
Any equipment or books purchased from these grants would become the property of the concerned College at the time of closing the project and must be handed over to the Principal. It is desirable that research papers should be published in reputed journals as an outcome of the research work. If any papers are accepted for publication as an outcome of these projects, it must be informed as a part of the work progress and completion report, and a copy of the paper/s must be submitted for record.
Submission of Research Proposals:
PART A | ||
1 | Broad Subject | |
2 | Area of Specialisation | |
3 | Principal Investigator | |
i) Name | ||
ii) Gender | ||
iii) Date of Birth | ||
iv) Qualification | ||
v) Designation | ||
vi) Date of joining University | ||
vii) Residential Address | ||
viii) Mobile Phone number/s | ||
ix) Landline | ||
x) Name of the College and department where working | ||
4 | Co-Investigator (if any) | |
i) Name | ||
ii) Gender | ||
iii) Date of Birth | ||
iv) Qualification | ||
v) Designation | ||
vi) Date of joining University | ||
vii) Residential Address | ||
viii) Mobile Phone number/s | ||
ix) Landline | ||
x) Name of the College and department where working | ||
5 | ||
6 |
Note: Please attach a brief 1 page CV of PI and CI
PART B | ||
1 | Project Title | |
2 | Introduction and Need | |
3 | Brief Review of Research status in the proposed area of study (100 words) | |
4 | Objectives (50-100 words) | |
5 | Methodology (100 words) | |
6 | Month-wise plan of work and milestones | |
7 | Financials | |
i) Equipment | ||
ii) Field Work and Travel | ||
iii) Remuneration for Student/Research Assistants | ||
iv) Books and Journals | ||
v) Any others (please specify) | ||
TOTAL (Rs.) |
Note: i) Computers/laptops are not permitted under equipment
- ii) Detailed specifications, preferably with manufacturer’s name are to be attached
for equipment.

Master of Photography & Media Communication

MFA in Applied Art and Visual Communications

Bachelors of Photography & Visual Communication

Bachelors of Fine Arts In Painting

Bachelors of Fine Arts in Sculpture

BFA in Applied Art and Visual Communications

Bachelors of
Fine Arts Photography

Bachelors of Fine Arts Animation And VFX

Master of Fine Arts In Painting

Master of Fine Arts in Sculpture

Master of Fine Arts Applied Arts

Master of
Fine Arts Photography
SPA Under Graduate
SPA Post Graduate
CFA Under Graduate
CFA Post Graduate
CFA Placement Coordinater
M. L. Anand Rao -
SPA Placement Coordinator
Dr. K. Srinivas -
Phone: 040-23321226 -
Director of Admissions
Phone: 040-23319462 -
SPA Principal
Phone: 040-23317006 -
CFA Principal
Phone: 040-23343616