G. Madhukar
Staff Designation:
Assistant Professor & HOD
Research Interests:
Phot Videography & Travel Photography
Mr. Madhukar studied BFA Photography from the erstwhile College of Fine Arts, JNTU, Hyderabad and studied Mass Communication and Journalism from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai later MFA Photography and Visual Communications from JNAFAU, Hyderabad and presently pursuing PhD.After working briefly with Archeological Survey of India and ICRISAT, He joined the University as an Assistant Professor in the year 2000 and has been heading the Dept. of Photography since 2010. He has involved himself in academic administration for the last several years in various capacities, as Officer In- Charge Examinations and also as Chairman, Board of Studies for Photography. He has introduced many reforms in the academics and also the Dept. of Photography. Established Computer labs, Digital Video Editing Suites. He is currently in the process of establishing a high-end Audio Visual Lab and also planning to introduce new courses BFA in Television Production and Film making.